Diverse Books for a Neighborhood of Readers
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Indigenous Peoples

Heid E. Erdrich (Ojibwe), "Little Big Bully"

Heid E. Erdrich (Ojibwe), "Little Big Bully"

Joy Harjo (Muscogee Nation), "An American Sunrise"

Joy Harjo (Muscogee Nation), "An American Sunrise"

Natalie Diaz (Mojave), "Postcolonial Love Poem"

Natalie Diaz (Mojave), "Postcolonial Love Poem"

Tommy Pico (Kumeyaay Nation), "Nature Poem"

Tommy Pico (Kumeyaay Nation), "Nature Poem"

Gwen Benaway (Anishinaabe/Metis), "day/break"

Gwen Benaway (Anishinaabe/Metis), "day/break"

Joy Harjo (Muscogee Nation), ed., "When the Light of the World Was Subdued, Our Songs Came Through: A Norton Anthology of Native Nations Poetry"

Joy Harjo (Muscogee Nation), ed., "When the Light of the World Was Subdued, Our Songs Came Through: A Norton Anthology of Native Nations Poetry"

Margaret Noodin (Anishinaabe), "What the Chickadee Knows: Gijigijigaaneshiinh Gikendaan"

Margaret Noodin (Anishinaabe), "What the Chickadee Knows: Gijigijigaaneshiinh Gikendaan"

Lois Beardslee, "Words Like Thunder: New and Used Anishinaabe Prayers"

Lois Beardslee, "Words Like Thunder: New and Used Anishinaabe Prayers"
