Diverse Books for a Neighborhood of Readers

Young Adult/Teen Books

Adam Silvera, "They Both Die at the End"

Adam Silvera, "They Both Die at the End"

Alice Oseman, I Was Born for This - coming 10/18/22

Alice Oseman, I Was Born for This - coming 10/18/22

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Sonora Reyes, Lesbiana's Guide to Catholic School (Copy)

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Malinda Lo, "Last Night at the Telegraph Club"

Aiden Thomas, "Cemetery Boys"

Aiden Thomas, "Cemetery Boys"

Kacen Callendar, "Felix Ever After"

Kacen Callendar, "Felix Ever After"

Maggie Tokuda-Hall, "The Mermaid, the Witch, and the Sea"

Maggie Tokuda-Hall, "The Mermaid, the Witch, and the Sea"
